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Funding Fox Farm

Fox Farm is possible through a myriad of funding sources; fundraising, BottleDrop accounts, in-kind donations and generous grants. If you would like to donate, please see your options below.


A Seed Money campaign raised $680 in 2023, and Fox Farm will be participating again in December of 2024. Please watch for announcements.

Fox Farm also has a BottleDrop-Give Account, where BottleDrop users can choose to donate through BottleDrop directly to Fox Farm. To do so, please visit our BottleDrop page here.


2023-2024 Grants:

Direct Donations

Donors may donate directly to the school through our online portal; after selecting Free Orchards Elementary School, designate 'Fox Farm' in the 'Purpose of Donation' field, and you're all set!

In-Kind Donation Partners:

With students being encouraged to eat their vegetables - it's important they all can have a taste! Fox Farm has been lucky this year to have had a partner in Grocery Outlet of Hillsboro, who have provided us with groceries to feed all children on our cooking lesson days. Their 16 boxes of mushrooms and one pound of butter made for a savory snack in late December. We thank them for their generosity.

In early 2023, Hillsboro Sign Co. graciously donated a banner for Fox Farm. This sign leads the way to the garden and is helping build pride in our school and garden. We thank them for their generosity.